4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

CP violation in top-quark physics

6 Jul 2012, 12:00
Room 216 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre)

Room 216

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia


Prof. German Valencia (Iowa State University (US))


The LHC will produce large numbers of top anti-top quark pairs providing an excellent opportunity to study in detail the properties of the top-quark. We discuss the use of T-odd correlations to extract information on the CP violating couplings of the top-quark at the LHC. We illustrate our discussion with two examples: CP violating anomalous top quark couplings; and CP violation in extended Higgs sectors, including color octets.


Prof. German Valencia (Iowa State University (US))

Presentation materials