Marcel Vos
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
The top quark is the heaviest particle of the Standard Model and, thus, the particle most strongly coupled to the physics of electroweak symmetry breaking. A future linear e+e- collider will be able to make precision measurements of the top quark mass and width, of the detailed QCD physics of the top quark threshold, and of the top quark production and decay asymmetries. Both measurements at the top quark threshold and measurements in continuum production at 500 GeV have been analyzed with detailed full simulation studies performed within the frameworks of the CLIC conceptual design report and the ILC technical design report. Experiments at an e+e- linear collider have the capability of measuring the top quark mass with unprecedented accuracy, below 100 MeV, and making a direct precision measurement of the top quark width. Further, by using all properties of the e+e- environment -- the electroweak production mechanism, the ability for full event reconstruction, the excellent jet energy measurement, and the excellent b and c identification capabilities -- they make it possible to make precision measurements of the weak and electromagnetic couplings of the top quark, quantities that are directly sensitive to composite Higgs and extra-dimensional models of new physics.
Marcel Vos
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))