Xerxes Tata
(University of Hawaii (US))
06/07/2012, 09:00
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
The non-observation of signals for supersymmetry in the LHC data appears to have led to questions about the viability of supersymmetry in nature. We delineate clear criteria for SUSY models which stabilize the electroweak scale, and show that these models are not in conflict the non-appearance of SUSY in the 2011 LHC data. Finally, we discuss some phenomenological implications of these Natural...
Pearl Sandick
(University of Utah (US))
06/07/2012, 09:15
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
In this talk we consider the phenomenology of minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) models in which the supersymmetry-breaking parameters are unified at a scale below the GUT scale. After a brief review of the so-called GUT-less constrained MSSM (CMSSM), we turn to a GUT-less version of mSUGRA. Of particular interest are GUT-less Polonyi models. The possibility that the recent ATLAS and CMS results...
Kaladi S. Babu
(Oklahoma State University (US))
06/07/2012, 09:30
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
In minimal models of gauge mediated SUSY breaking the mass of the lightest neutral Higgs boson cannot exceed about 118 GeV, provided that the SUSY particle masses are below 2 TeV. This work investigates the Higgs boson mass in the presence of messenger--matter mixing. Such mixing would generate a non-zero A-term (trilinear soft SUSY braking term) at the messenger scale, which enhances the...
Michael Schmidt
(University of Melbourne (AU))
06/07/2012, 09:45
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
We will present a study of the NMSSM with a low cutoff in the light of the recent experimental hints for a (close to) SM like Higgs at 125 GeV. The introduction of a singlet with a large value of lambda reduces the fine tuning in comparison to the MSSM and provides a solution to the mu-problem. We determine the natural region in parameter space with a fine tuning better than 10% which...
Thomas Rizzo
06/07/2012, 10:00
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
We will examine the capability of the 7/8 TeV LHC to explore the 19(20) dimensional parameter space of the pMSSM SUSY model following the ATLAS MET analysis suite. Allowing for either a neutralino or gravitino LSP and assuming all sparticle masses lie below 4 TeV, we demonstrate that the LHC searches can cover a large fraction of this space. The importance of non-MET searches, such as those...
Sudhir Kumar Gupta
(Monash University (AU))
06/07/2012, 10:15
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
Motivated by the recent hints from ATLAS and CMS we consider a minimal supersymmetric model which, due to its approximate Peccei-Quinn symmetry, naturally accommodates a 125 GeV Higgs boson. This model can also explain the potentially anomalous branching ratios of such a Higgs. We examine whether other experimental evidence supports this scenario.
Keisho Hidaka
(Tokyo Gakugei University (JP))
06/07/2012, 11:00
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
We study the effect of squark generation mixing on squark and gluino production and decays at LHC in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with focus on mixing between second and third generation squarks. Taking into account the constraints from B-physics we show that various regions in parameter space exist where decays of squarks and/or gluinos into flavour violating final states...
Jacob Wacker
06/07/2012, 11:15
Track 2 - Beyond the Standard Model - SUSY
Parallel Sessions
There is evidence for a 130 GeV $\gamma$-ray line at the Galactic Center in the \emph{Fermi} Large Area Telescope data. Dark matter candidates that explain this feature should also annihilate to Standard Model particles, resulting in a continuous spectrum of photons. To study this continuum, we analyze the \emph{Fermi} data down to 5 GeV, restricted to the inner $3^\circ$ of the Galaxy. We...
Andrew Haas
(New York University)
06/07/2012, 11:30
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
Several extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of massive long-lived particles. We report on searches for weakly-interacting long-lived particles decaying to collimated lepton-jets far away from the interaction point, and for production of highly-ionizing magnetic monopoles. The talk presents results of analyses using data recorded in 2011 at sqrt(s)=7 TeV centre-of-mass...
Yuri Gershtein
(Rutgers University (US))
06/07/2012, 11:45
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
We report on a search for charged massive long-lived particles (CMLLPs), based on data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron ppbar collider. We search for events in which one or more particles are reconstructed as muons but have speed and ionization energy loss (dE/dx) inconsistent with muons produced in beam collisions. CMLLPs are predicted in several theories of physics...
Fedor Ratnikov
(KIT (DE))
06/07/2012, 12:00
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
Several models of new physics, including split supersymmetry, predict the existence of heavy particles which are long-lived on timescales of the bunch spacing of the LHC. We present the results three dedicated searches using the measurement of the energy loss dE/dx in the tracking system, the time-of-flight and special jet triggers. The full sample of 5 fb-1 of pp collisions recorded with CMS...
Valerie Halyo
(Princeton University (US))
06/07/2012, 12:15
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
We present results of searches for new long-lived particles with a distinctive signature of decay products far from the primary event vertex. Dedicated trigger and reconstruction algorithms have been developed to identify such displaced particles. The full sample of 5 fb-1 of pp collisions recorded with CMS in 2011 at the center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV has been used.
Yuri Shirman
(University of California Irvine)
06/07/2012, 12:30
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
We examine the possibility that the SU(2) gauge group of the standard model appears as the dual "magnetic" gauge group of a supersymmetric gauge theory, thus the W and Z (and through mixing, the photon) are composite (or partially composite) gauge bosons.
Merlin Davies
(Universite de Montreal (CA))
06/07/2012, 14:00
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
Various extensions of the Standard Model predict the existence of new types of quarks. We report on several search channels such as vector-like quarks that couple to light quarks and Z or W bosons or new quarks decaying to Z boson and b quark. The talk presents results from searches for vector like quarks using the data sample recorded in 2011 at sqrt(s)=7 TeV centre-of-mass energy by the...
Lorenzo Feligioni
(Universite d'Aix - Marseille II (FR))
06/07/2012, 14:15
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
The top-quark is the heaviest known fundamental particle with unique properties within the Standard Model. Its large couplings to the Higgs boson, and being the only quark that decays before hadronisation make it sensitive to new physics beyond the SM. A potential extension for the SM would be the adjonction a 4th family of heavy chiral fermions that could provide new sources of CP violation...
Sadia Khalil
(Kansas State University (US))
06/07/2012, 14:30
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
We present results of searches for a new heavy 4th generation quark using leptonic, semileptonic and hadrnic final states.The full sample of 5 fb-1 of pp collisions recorded with CMS in 2011 at the center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV has been used.
George Wei-Shu Hou
(National Taiwan University (TW))
06/07/2012, 14:45
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
Despite the hint for a 125 GeV Higgs boson, we consider the other option of MH > 600 GeV, noting that the existence of the Higgs boson itself is not yet an established fact. What we do know is that the Goldstone bosons of electroweak symmetry breaking exist as longitudinal components of the weak bosons. The Goldstone boson coupling to a new heavy chiral quark doublet Q (assuming it exist), the...
Adam Aurisano
(Texas A&M University),
Adam Aurisano
Adam Jude Aurisano
06/07/2012, 15:00
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
Searches for physics beyond the standard model are intensively pursued using the full CDF Run II sample. Many among them are pursued in the top-quark sector because it is believed that the top-quark, due to its very large mass, may play a special role in the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry of the standard model as well as in possible new physics. We present searches for a...
Hiroshi Yokoya
(National Taiwan University (TW))
06/07/2012, 15:15
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
With 5 fb^{-1} LHC data at 7 TeV collected in 2011, current mass limits of the chiral 4th generation quarks have reached 600 GeV, nominally entering the regime of perturbative unitarity violation.
The very large Yukawa couplings of these quarks may require nonperturvative treatment, including the possible formation of tightly Yukawa-bound "mesons". Assuming an almost degenerate 4th...
Hajime Nishiguchi
(KEK (JP))
06/07/2012, 16:00
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
The MEG experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland) aims at searching for the Lepton-Flavour Violating (LFV) muon decay, mu+ -> e+ gamma, with unprecedented sensitivity. Such decay is forbidden within the Standard Model, nevertheless all its viable extensions predict a branching ratio for this decay in the 10^{-14} to 10^{-12} range. Data collected in 2009 and 2010, which...
Kiyoshi Hayasaka
(Nagoya University (JP))
06/07/2012, 16:15
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
We search for a lepton flavor violating $\tau$ decay into $\mu/e$ and $\gamma$ using the full data sample of approximately 1000 fb$^{-1}$ collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider.
Chun-Khiang Chua
(Chung Yuan Christian University (TW))
06/07/2012, 16:30
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
We study the implications of the experimental results on the mu to e gamma decay rate and the muon anomalous magnetic moment on muonic lepton flavor violating processes, such as mu to 3 e and mu N to e N. We use a model independent approach in this analysis, where these processes are considered to be loop induced by exchanging spin 1/2 and spin 0 particles. We explore two complementary cases,...
Carl Albright
(Northern Illinois University & Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
06/07/2012, 16:45
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
An explicit SU(12) unification model with three light chiral families is presented which avoids any external flavor symmetries. The hierarchy of quark and lepton masses and mixings is explained by higher dimensional Yukawa interactions involving Higgs bosons containing SU(5) singlet fields with VEVs appearing at a scale 50 times smaller than the $3 \times 10^{16}$ GeV SU(12) unification...
David South
06/07/2012, 17:00
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
A search for second and third generation scalar and vector leptoquarks produced in ep collisions via the lepton flavour violating processes ep โ ฮผX and ep โ \tau X is performed by the H1 experiment at HERA. The full data sample taken at a centre-of-mass energy โs = 319 GeV is used for the analysis, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 245 pbโ1 of e+p and 166 pbโ1 of eโp collision data....
David Hitlin
(California Institute of Technology)
06/07/2012, 17:15
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
Energy frontier searches are continuing to search for signs that set a scale for physics BSM. SuperB is able to measure a broad spectrum of observables that can be used to constrain parameters in the theory of any physics BSM found in the coming years at the LHC. In the event that no discoveries are made, one can use the same observables to constrain both parameter and model space. ...
Ahmed Ali
06/07/2012, 17:30
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
We calculate the Drell-Yan production cross sections and differential distributions in the transverse momentum and rapidity of the $J^{PC}=1^{--}$ exotic hadrons $\phi(2170)$, $X(4260)$ and $Y_b(10890)$ at the hadron colliders LHC and the Tevatron.
These hadrons are tetraquark (four-quark) candidates, with a hidden $s\bar{s}$, $c\bar{c}$ and $b\bar{b}$ quark pair, respectively. In deriving...
Else Lytken
(Lund University (SE))
06/07/2012, 17:45
Track 3 - BSM - Non-SUSY Exotics
Parallel Sessions
Events containing several leptons or two like-sign leptons are rarely produced in the Standard Model (SM), but occur with an enhanced rate in many models of new physics. We look for anomalous production of pair of prompt like sign leptons or events with three or more leptons using the full data sample recorded in 2011 at sqrt(s)=7 TeV centre-of-mass energy by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC.