Juan de Dios Zornoza
06/07/2012, 09:00
Track 8. Neutrinos
Parallel Sessions
The ANTARES collaboration completed in 2008 the construction of the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere. Neutrinos, being neutral, stable and weakly-interacting have unique advantages with respect to other more traditional probes to study the high energy Universe. The scientific scope of ANTARES is very broad, including the observation of astrophysical neutrino sources, the...
Yoshinari Hayato
(Kamioka observatory ICRR University of Tokyo (JP))
06/07/2012, 09:15
Track 8. Neutrinos
Parallel Sessions
Super-Kamiokande started its operation in 1996. Since then, more than 3000 days of atmospheric neutrino data has been collected. In the beginning, we have obtained \Delta_m^2_{23} and \theta_{23} with two flavor oscillation using the zenith angle distirbution of observed leptons. Afterwards, we have extracted L/E distribution from observed quantities to deduce the oscillation parameters....
Yano Takatomi
(Okayama University (JP))
06/07/2012, 09:30
Track 8. Neutrinos
Parallel Sessions
EGADS (Evaluating Gadolinium's Action on Detector Systems) is a test facility for a new neutrino detection method using a gadolinium-loaded water Cherenkov detector. In this method, events due to anti-neutrino charged-current interactions on protons (i.e., inverse beta decay) are identified by the coincident detection of a prompt positron signal and a delayed gamma-ray signal from neutron...
Yusuke Koshio
(Kamioka observatory ICRR University of Tokyo (JP))
06/07/2012, 09:45
Track 8. Neutrinos
Parallel Sessions
Recent results of the Super-Kamiokande (SK) solar neutrino measurements are presented. The main goal of SK's solar analysis is to observe the MSW effect, i.e. a solar neutrino energy spectrum distortion induced by matter in the Sun, and a day/night solar neutrino flux asymmetry induced by matter in the Earth.
Thanks to the improvement of the detector's water circulation system, low energy...
Livia Ludhova
(INFN Milano (IT))
06/07/2012, 10:00
Track 8. Neutrinos
Parallel Sessions
Borexino is a large-volume liquid scintillator detector installed in
the underground halls of the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in
Italy. After several years of construction, the Borexino phase I
ended after about 3 years of data taking and a period of purification of the scintillator. All Borexino results within its solar neutrino program and their physical implications will be...
Jelena Maricic
(Drexel University (US))
06/07/2012, 10:15
Track 8. Neutrinos
Parallel Sessions
Results from reactor neutrino experiments show a repeating pattern of a small constant deficit at baselines between 16 m and 1-2 km as described in the paper by Mention et al. Proposed explanation of the deficit is so called reactor neutrino anomaly that requires existence of a non-standard neutrino oscillation with a very short baseline. Convincing independent confirmation of this result can...
David Salek
06/07/2012, 11:00
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
A combination of the inclusive diffractive cross section measurements made by the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations at HERA is presented. The analysis uses diffractive deep inelastic scattering data measured by means of proton spectrometers. Correlations of systematic uncertainties are taken into account by the combination method, resulting in improved precision. The combined data cover the range 2.5...
Richard Polifka
(Charles University in Prague (CZ) & University of Toronto (CA))
06/07/2012, 11:15
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
The cross section of diffractive deep-inelastic scattering ep โ eXp is measured, where the system X contains at least two jets and the leading final state proton is detected in the H1 Forward Proton Spectrometer. The measurement is performed for fractional proton longitudinal momentum loss x_IP < 0.1 and covers the range 0.1 < |t| < 0.7 GeV^2 in squared four-momentum transfer at the proton...
Vladislav Simak
(Czech Technical University Prague (CZ))
06/07/2012, 11:30
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
We present two measurements of cross sections using the data recorded at the Fermilab Tevatron collider with the forward proton spectrometer(s) of the D0 detector. First we discuss a measurement of the differential distribution dsigma/dt for the elastic cross section in the range 0.26<|t|<1.2 GeV^2. Next we discuss a measurement of the differential cross section for the single diffractive...
Gilvan Augusto Alves
(Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fรญsicas (BR))
06/07/2012, 11:45
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
We report on the latest soft and semi-hard QCD measurements in p-p collisions at the LHC including: (i) measurement of the total inelastic cross section, (ii) inclusive identified charged-hadron pT spectra, (iii) underlying event and constraints on models of multi-parton interactions, and (iv) characteristics of jet radiation as a function of pseudorapidity.
Tim Martin
(University of Birmingham (GB))
06/07/2012, 12:00
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
Soft and semi-hard QCD studies made with ATLAS are presented. These include measurement of the inelastic and diffractive cross sections, mean forward energy flow, forward-backward and azimuthal correlations, azimuthal ordering of hadron production, event shapes, and identified strange particle production. Distributions sensitive to the underlying event are measured in a variety of hard...
Hubert Niewiadomski
06/07/2012, 12:15
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
The TOTEM experiment recently measured the elastic proton rates dN/dt down to โt=0.02 GeV^2 at the LHC energy of \sqrt s = 7 TeV. In addition, the accompanying inelastic rates were recorded with the forward telescopes for 5.3 < |eta| < 6.4. The optical theorem allowed for first luminosity independent total cross-section measurement at \sqrt s = 7 TeV energy. Moreover, the total pp...
Raluca Muresan
(Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (RO))
06/07/2012, 14:00
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
Due to its unique pseudorapidity coverage and the possibility of extending the measurements to low transverse momenta, LHCb provides important input to the understanding of particle production and energy flow in a kinematical range where QCD models have large uncertainties. Measurements of charged, strange and charmed particle production are compared to predictions. In addition, studies of...
Robert Ciesielski
(Rockefeller University (US))
06/07/2012, 14:15
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
We report on the latest CMS measurements of exclusive and diffractive production of dijets, dimuons, dielectrons and diphotons in pomeron- and photon-induced collisions in p-p at 7 TeV. The data are compared to various theoretical predictions.
Konstantinos Vellidis
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
06/07/2012, 14:30
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
Prompt isolated photon pairs production cross sections, as well as direct photon production in association with a heavy (b or c) quark jets are presented. Differential cross sections are presented as a function of several variables. The results are compared with a next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations.
Peter Svoisky
(University of Oklahoma (US))
06/07/2012, 14:45
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
We present measurements of the differential cross sections for the production of photon pairs and for the production of b-jets in association with photons in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV using data recorded with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.7 fb-1. Results are compared with the prediction of NLO QCD calculations...
Sinead Farrington
(University of Warwick (UK))
06/07/2012, 16:00
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
We present new results on the measurements of properties of heavy hadron production and decay at CDF. These include the first three-dimensional determination of the Upsilon meson spin alignment, the first measurement of the Bc meson lifetime in an exclusive final state, and a study of the phenomenology of charged charmed meson fragmentation.
Alessandro Bertolin
(INFN Padova (IT))
06/07/2012, 16:15
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
The production of beauty quarks in ep interactions has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA for exchanged four-momentum squared Q^2 > 10 GeV2, using an integrated luminosity of 363 pb-1. The beauty events were identified using electrons from semileptonic b decays with a transverse momentum 0.9 < p_T^e < 8 GeV and pseudorapidity |eta^e| < 1.5. Cross sections for beauty production were...
Michel Sauter
(Universitรคt Heidelberg (DE))
06/07/2012, 16:30
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
Photoproduction of beauty and charm quarks in events with at least two jets has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 133 pb-1 The fractions of jets containing b and c quarks were extracted using the invariant mass of charged tracks associated with secondary vertices and the decay-length significance of these vertices. Differential cross sections as a...
Simon Marie E De Visscher
(Universitรคt Zรผrich (CH))
06/07/2012, 16:45
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
The mechanism of production of heavy-flavoured mesons, containing b or c quarks, in association with vector bosons, W or Z, in the Standard Model is only partially understood. The study of events with one or two well-identified and isolated leptons accompanied by b-jets or secondary vertices is therefore crucial to refine the theoretical calculations in perturbative QCD, as well as validate...
James Catmore
06/07/2012, 17:00
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
The production of charm and beauty in pp collisions at 7 TeV has been studied with the ATLAS detector using fully reconstructed D^(*) mesons. The beauty production cross-sections have been obtained using events with a D^* and a muon in the final state. The results are compared with the NLO QCD predictions
Achim Geiser
06/07/2012, 17:15
Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions
Parallel Sessions
Charm production has been measured with the ZEUS detector in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA. The measurement is based on the full reconstruction of the decay chain D*->D0pis, D0->Kpi and exploits the full HERA II statistics. Differential cross sections have been measured. The kinematic range is 1.5 GeV < pT(D*) < 10GeV, |eta(D*)| < 1.5, 5 < Q2 < 1000GeV2 and 0.02 < y < 0.7. The...
Kinga Partyka
(Yale University)
06/07/2012, 17:30
Track 8. Neutrinos
Parallel Sessions
The Argon Neutrino Test, ArgoNeuT, is a small scale Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber(LArTPC). ArgoNeuT, an R&D project paving the way for construction of larger detectors, was located 350 feet underground and ran upstream of the MINOS detector in the NuMI beam at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory from September 2009 to February 2010. ArgoNeuT provides bubble-chamber-like quality...