12:00 PM
Exclusive production of dijets
Rafal Maciula
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
12:15 PM
Dijet exclusive production in AFP and jet gap jet in diffraction
Maciej Marek Trzebinski
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
12:35 PM
Discussion: exclusive jets / jet gap jet
12:50 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:30 PM
Diffractive production of charm
Marta Luszczak
(University of Rzeszow)
2:45 PM
Diffractive production of heavy quark mesons
Wolfgang Schaefer
3:00 PM
Discussion: charm, beauty, vector mesons
3:20 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:40 PM
Exclusive production of pi+pi- & K+K- in pp collisions
Piotr Lebiedowicz
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)
3:55 PM
Discussion: pion production, soft diffraction
4:10 PM
Other topics in diffraction
Christophe Royon
(CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (FR))
4:25 PM
Discussion: additional topics for AFP