Abdallah HAMDI
3/28/08, 11:15 AM
The need for new RF power sources operating at different frequencies implies to develop HV sources to match their specifications. Two pulsed klystrons are employed at Saclay Supratech platform for R&D on superconducting accelerating cavities at 704MHz and 1300MHz and for 704MHz power couplers processing. A hard tube modulator that was at first developed for the 1300MHz klystron operation has...
Richard Walker
(Jefferson Lab)
3/28/08, 11:55 AM
This talk is an update of the operating experiences and reliabilty of over 350 klystrons at Jefferson Lab over the past 15 years. We experienced a serious failure mode in the klystron, but were able to indentify the causes and find good solutions to these problems. Analysis and pictures will be shown to demonstrate the problems. Reliability data will be given on the results of the changes...
Fritz Caspers
3/28/08, 12:35 PM