Markus Schneider
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
3/27/08, 2:00 PM
PSI's proton accelerator facility currently produces a 1.2 MW beam. The extraction energy of the Ring cyclotron is 590 MeV and the beam current is 2 mA. It is planned to increase the beam current to 3 mA requiring several upgrades of the RF-system.
The replacement of the 4 aluminum cavities in the ring cyclotron by copper cavities is a milestone in this program. The last 2 cavities have been...
Christian Geiselhart
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
3/27/08, 2:40 PM
The X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) is a new development in laser and accelerator-technology intended to introduce the excellent characteristics of conventional laser systems into the x-ray spectral region.
The XFEL is labeled the next or 4th generation light source after the current state of the art 3rd generation light source like the Swiss Light Source (SLS).
The commissioning of the...
Doug Horan
(Argonne National Laboratory)
3/27/08, 4:15 PM
High-power tests were conducted on a normal-conducting single-cell copper rf cavity fitted with two H-loop input couplers in order to determine the capability of the cavity system to operate reliably at 200kW CW total input power. The Advanced Photon Source 350-MHz RF Test Stand was utilized to conduct the tests. Performance data and highlights of the conditioning process leading to...
Michel Caplot
(Thales Electron Devices)
3/27/08, 4:55 PM
The aim of the present paper is to show that new generations of RF amplifiers do exist with different technologies.
Thales has a very long experience in gridded tubes and klystrons for science and broadcast applications as well as solid state solutions for broadcast applications. This experience in both technologies has been applied to RF amplifiers in order to take benefit of these...
Yoon Kang
(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
3/27/08, 5:35 PM
A new RF coupling system for the RFQ structure in the SNS linac front-end has been developed for upgrade of input power coupling to the RFQ. The coupling system employs two coaxial loop couplers for 402.5 MHz operation; the two couplers are used in parallel to power the accelerating structure with up to 800 kW total peak power at up to 7% duty cycle. Each coupler has a coupling loop through a...
Richard Nelson
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
3/27/08, 6:15 PM
The design of High Power Amplifiers for an energy upgrade to 12 GeV is underway at Jefferson Lab. Eighty 13 kW 1.497 GHz amplifiers with required power supplies and waveguide components will be added to the existing accelerator, expanding on the 340 5 kW sockets. Klystrons and IOTs are being considered, with each having advantages and disadvantages.
While JLab’s 340 5 kW klystrons have...
John, T. M. Lyles
3/27/08, 6:55 PM
A new high power 201.25 MHz RF system is being developed for the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) proton drift tube linac (DTL). A planned upgrade will replace parts of the DTL RF system with new-generation components. When installed for the LANSCE-R project, the new system will reduce the total quantity of gridded power tubes from twenty-four to eight in the RF powerplant. The 3 MW...