27–28 Sept 2007
Chalkidiki, Greece
Europe/Zurich timezone


Presentations related to Work Package 2

27 Sept 2007, 17:00
Chalkidiki, Greece

Chalkidiki, Greece

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Chariclia Petridou (Atomic and Nuclear Physics Laboratory)
27/09/2007, 17:00
Mark Hodgkinson (University of Sheffield)
27/09/2007, 17:10
Vincent Giangiobbe (INFN-Pisa)
27/09/2007, 17:30
Electra Christidi (Physics Department - Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki)
27/09/2007, 17:50
Samira Hassani (DAPNIA)
27/09/2007, 18:30
Building timetable...