Yukihiro Mimura
(Texas A&M University)
18/12/2007, 09:50
Discovery of neutrino mass has put the spotlight on supersymmetric SO(10) as a natural candidate for grand unification of forces and matter. However, the suppression of proton decay is a major problem in any supersymmetric grand unified models. In this paper we show how to alleviate this problem by simple threshold effect which raises the colored Higgsino masses and the grand unification scale...
Jihn. E. Kim
(Seoul National University)
18/12/2007, 11:10
Kei-Jiro Takahash
(Kyoto University)
18/12/2007, 12:00
We recently developed string compactification on non-factorizable orbifold. Especially in E8xE8 Heterotic string, we obtain SU(5) and SO(10) GUT-like models with simple assumptions. These models have simple spectra including three generations of matter and messenger-like sectors.