REGISTRATION: See link below - please register before the event! KICK-OFF: 5:30pm Friday 3 August in CERN Main Auditorium PROJECT IDEA LIST: See the webfest wiki. PROJECT SELECTION: 6pm-8pm, immediately after kick-off FREE PIZZAS: 8pm-10pm in Resto 1 for all registered participants, courtesy Mozilla Foundation. WEBFEST PRIZE: One trip to the Mozilla Festival in London in August. FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT:
The CERN Summer Student Webfest is a weekend of online web-based creativity, at the place where the web was born.
The event is modeled on the sort of gatherings (sometimes called hackfests or hackathons) that energize many open source communities. You do not have to be a software expert to contribute. Indeed, successful teams need a wide range of skills, from writing and design to physics and engineering.
Although targetted at the summer students, the event is open to anyone at CERN with a passion for web-based science outreach and education and a weekend to spare.
The objective is to work in teams and design neat web apps that will encourage the public to learn more about science, and in particular about CERN, the LHC and particle physics.
The apps can range from online games to volunteer computing projects to redesigning existing web information so it's easily browsed on the latest phones and pads.
Project ideas will be presented at a kick-off evening on Friday 3rd August, 5:30pm-8pm in the Main Auditorium.
Then teams will self-assemble around the most exciting pitches. Anyone who is participating can pitch a project.
At the start of the kick-off, a range of neat tools for modifying the web, creating online education and contributing to online science will be introduced.
There will be a prize for the best app: a trip to the Mozilla Festival in London in November, courtesy of the Mozilla Foundation.
The event is free form, and teams can work anywhere, although they are encouraged to spend a fair part of their time in Resto 1, so there can be useful interactions between teams, and with the organizers.
The event will wrap up on Sunday at 4pm-6pm with a judging panel reviewing the results, and awarding the prize, followed by a special State of the Higgs Address by leading theoretical physicist, John Ellis.
The event is co-organized by the Citizen Cyberscience Centre and the Peer 2 Peer University, and sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation and the Shuttleworth Foundation.