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Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

Particle Therapy using Proton and Ion Beams - From Basic Principles to Daily Operations and Future Concepts(3/3)

by Andreas Peter (Head of Accelerator Operations, Heidelberg Ion Beam Theraps Centre (HIT), Germany)

222/R-001 (CERN)



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Part III: • Daily operations of a particle therapy centre: Experiences from the first five years at HIT in Heidelberg, from commissioning to the treatment of the first 1000 patients so far • Future enhancements for synchrotron-driven particle therapy facilities: Magnetic field control and feedback, dynamic spill shaping and multi-energy operation within one synchrotron cycle • Outlook to new accelerator concepts proposed for particle therapy: FFAGs, laser plasma accelerators, dielectric wall accelerators and others
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From the same series
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