Takayuki Yamaguchi
(Saitama Univ.)
As a next generation spectroscopic tool, heavy-ion cooler storage rings will be a unique application for stored highly-charged ion (HCI) beam experiments. The storage rings provide us with an excellent particle identification capability, even for isomeric states, an efficient use of rare isotopes, and an internal target system.
In case that the magnetic rigidity of the decay daughters of stored HCI goes beyond the momentum acceptance of the ring, the daughters are momentum-analyzed by the sector magnets and may reach the dispersive focal plane, where a position sensitive detector is set up. The lifetimes thus obtained for HCI are relevant to the decays in stellar conditions. One of the unique observations for stored HCI is the bound-state beta decay, which is important for the understanding of the s-process nucleosynthesis. Thus development of the particle detectors for storage rings would be a key issue for the decay spectroscopy.
To perform such unique experiments at the heavy-ion storage ring facilities, we have developed the high-resolution position sensitive detectors; a stack of single-side silicon microstrip detectors and alternatively a fiber scintillation detector. Both detectors have an excellent position resolution, and are compact and relatively easy to install into the ring aperture. We have tested the detectors using heavy ion beams including secondary radioactive beams. In this contribution, we focus on the detector performance obtained and discuss the physics cases possible in the in-ring experiments. In addition, a new storage ring project at RIKEN, "Rare RI Ring", aiming at precision mass measurements of short-lived nuclei is briefly presented.
Primary author
Takayuki Yamaguchi
(Saitama Univ.)