ALARA review for the replacement of the PSB dump (meeting 1: kick off)

865/1-D17 (CERN)



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Kick off the ALARA review process for the replacement of the PSB dump. Present: R. Froeschl, O. Aberle, W. Zak, A-P. Bernardes, B. Mikulec, T. Wijnands, G. Mason and A. Perillo-Marcone.
ALARA review for the replacement of the PSB dump (02 Jul 2012)

Presents: R. Froeschl, O. Aberle, W. Zak, A-P. Bernardes, B. Mikulec, T. Wijnands,  G. Mason and A. Perillo-Marcone.
O. Aberle made an introduction to state the goal of this and the following meetings, as well as introducing the team of EN-STI-TCD that will be working on this.
The main contact persons that will organise these operations will be A. Sarrió Martínez and F. Loprete.
A. Perillo-Marcone will be in charge of the design of the new dump, in collaboration with W. Zak and V. Venturi.
The objective of these meetings is to plan and assess the operations to dismantle the current PSB dump, taking into account and minimise the potential dose that the people involved are expected to receive.
Meetings will take place at a regular basis, every two weeks, at 10:30 on wednesdays in room 865-1-D17. The meetings will be organised using indico, so that all documents and presentations are accessible to all participants.
T. Wijnands clarified that in general the objective of these committees is larger that only the dismantling operations of old equipment, but it also concentrates on assuring that the future components take into account the activation of materials for future interventions, the tooling required for maintenance and handling of equipment, planning of operations, etc.
A. Perillo-Marcone showed images from an inspection of the dump, performed by endoscopy on 27/06/12. 
It could be observed that the visible parts do not show major damage or significant corrosion. Nevertheless, due to space limitations, only the front of the dump and the side of the first slices could be inspected, besides the connections  vacuum pipe – dump and cooling pipe – dump. 
Details in G:\Users\a\aperillo\Public \2012-­‐06-­‐27_Endoscopy_old_dump.
A. Perillo-Marcone presented the current strategy (PLAN A), which consists in pulling the vacuum pipe with a specific mechanical tool developed and manufactured by the EN-STI-TCD (G:\Users\a\aperillo\Public \old_PSB_dump_CATIA) . 
The above operation could not work due to various reasons (dump stuck in concrete tunnel and vacuum pipe could detach from dump or break).
If PLAN A does not work, the second option (PLAN B) would be to pull out the concrete blocs together with the dump inside. This operation needs to be carefully planned, in detail with transport.
A-P.Bernardes recommends to try and modify the tool to grab the vacuum pipe so that the operators do not have to expose their hands to irradiation as in this position it is high and it gets higher as the dump is brought closer to the tunnel exit. 
R. Froeschl will bring to the next meeting the results from irradiation measurements and simulations in the area and near the dump.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 18/07, at 10:30, room 864-2-B14 (Salle J. B. Adams).
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