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DPM - future and options

EVO - GridPP Operations team meeting

EVO - GridPP Operations team meeting

- This is the biweekly ops & sites meeting - The intention is to run the meeting in EVO: Join the meeting in the GridPP Community area. Meeting URL: - The phone bridge number is +44 (0)161 306 6802 (CERN number +41 22 76 71400). The phone bridge ID is 563 1924 with code: 4880.
    • 09:00 09:20
      The DPM Community Proposal 20m
      * What is expected? * How many countries would be needed to make it sustainable? * Managing the risks (eg. loss of key developers at CERN) * Areas where the proposal needs more detail - how the community will be managed - how wider support (non-contributing countries) will be handled - specific effort expected - who would sign an MoU? - What effort is already contributed from the community
    • 09:20 09:40
      Alternatives to DPM 20m
      * dCache * Storm/Lustre * GridFTP on Lustre (no SRM) * Cloud storage * How would we migrate? - How long would it take a site to move to an alternative - What are the risks * Further investigation needed?
    • 09:40 10:00
      What could we contribute and on what conditions? 20m
      * Tools vs core development - Feedback on review of code base - How ready is DPM-light (plugin architecture) * What is the support load - Average bug rates - DPM development roadmap - Other support 'costs' * Who in GridPP would contribute (will/can they) * What about the LFC? * Other options to support DPM
    • 10:00 10:05
      Conclusions 5m
      - Our initial response....
    • 10:05 10:06
      AOB 1m