17–19 Dec 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

Structure of the odd-odd 62,64Co nuclei: “is there evidence of the onset of particle-hole intruder states in these nuclei?”

17 Dec 2012, 18:05
1h 25m
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Prof. William Walters (University of Maryland)


Following the identification of the deformed particle-hole intruder states in 67Co by Pauwels et al., and the subsequent identification of a second low-energy 1+ level in adjacent odd-odd 66Co, along with other isomeric levels, the question arose, “how can the structure of 66Co be compared with the evolution of the structure of the lighter odd-odd Co isotopes?” Stated another way, are there features of the lighter odd-odd Co isotopes that show evidence of the onset of the deformed intruder levels? In this presentation, data from β decay of neutron-rich 61-67Mn isotopes, selectively ionized at ISOLDE at CERN, are combined with data from deep inelastic reactions of a 64Ni beam with a 238U target at the ATLAS facility at Argonne National Laboratory to identify the 1+ levels and higher-spin levels in 62,64Co to which the "intruder" and “spherical structures” in 66Co can be compared.


Prof. William Walters (University of Maryland)


Prof. B Kay (York) Prof. Bogdan Fornal (Krakow) Dr Chris Chiara (Maryland) Mr Deyan Radulov (Leuven) Dieter Pauwels (Belgian Nuclear Research Center (BE)) Dr Fedosseev Valentine (CERN) Prof. Mark huyse (Leuven) Prof. Piet Van Duppen (Leuven) Prof. Rafal Broda (Krakow) Dr Robert Janssens (ANL) Dr S. zhu (ANL) Dr Ulli Koester (ILL)

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