17–19 Dec 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

Structure of 81Ga populated from the β- decay of 81Zn

17 Dec 2012, 18:05
1h 25m
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Mr Vadym Paziy (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


V. Paziy1, H. Mach1, L.M. Fraile1, A. Aprahamian3, C. Bernards4, J.A. Briz5, B. Bucher3, C. J. Chiara6, Z. Dlouhy7, D. Ghita2, I. Gheorghe2, P. Hoff8, U. Köster9, W. Kurcewicz10, R. Lica2, N. Marginean2, R. Marginean2, B. Olaizola1, J.M. Régis4, M. Rudigier4, J.M. Udías1, T. Sava2, G. Simpson9, M. Stanoiu2, L. Stroe2, W. Walters11 1 Grupo de Física Nuclear, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain 2 National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania 3 Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, USA 4 Institut für Kernphysik, Köln, Germany 5 Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Madrid, Spain. 6 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA and Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA 7 Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCR, Rez, Czech Republic 8 Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 9 Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France 10 Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 11 Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland We report on the results of the beta-decay of 81Zn. The experiment was performed at the CERN ISOLDE facility in October 2011, in the framework of a systematic ultra-fast timing [1] investigation of neutron rich nuclei populated in the decay of Zn. Almost pure beams of Zn ions were delivered to our fast-timing station thanks to the use of the ISOLDE RILIS and a cooled quartz transfer line. This allowed the study of beta decay of Zn isotopes ranging from A = 71 to A = 82. The analysis included beta-gated gamma ray singles and gamma-gamma coincidences from the decay of 81Zn. The new level scheme of 81Ga includes more than 50 new transitions and about 40 new levels in the energy range up to 6400 keV, which extends the previously known structure [2]. The intensities and spin-parity assignments will be discussed together with the preliminary analysis of the level lifetimes. [1] H. Mach, R.L. Gill, M. Moszynski, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 280, 49 (1989). [2] S. Padgett, M. Madurga, R. Grzywacz, I. G. Darby, S. N. Liddick, S. V. Paulauskas, L. Cartegni, C. R. Bingham, C. J. Gross, K. Rykaczewski, D. Shapira, D. W. Stracener, A. J. Mendez, II, J. A. Winger, S. V. Ilyushkin, A. Korgul, W. Królas, E. Zganjar, C. Mazzocchi, S. Liu, J. H. Hamilton, J. C. Batchelder, and M. M. Rajabali, Phys. Rev. C 82, 064314 (2010).


Mr Vadym Paziy (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


Dr Henryk MACH (Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Uppsala University) Dr Luis Fraile Prieto (Universidad Complutense (ES))

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