17–19 Dec 2012
Europe/Zurich timezone

First results from IS-510: Transfer reactions and Coulomb excitation with T-REX in the 68Ni region

17 Dec 2012, 17:35
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Submitted Medium nuclei I


Stefanie Klupp (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)


The microscopic details concerning the assumed magicity of the 68Ni nucleus are not yet fully understood. Due to the parity change between fp orbitals and the g9/2 orbital, a small gap between these can lead to a high-lying first excited state in 68Ni. This underlying subshell structure seems also responsible for the unusual behavior of excited 0+ states in neighboring even-even nuclei. Our experiment IS-510 uses two complementary methods to explore these questions in detail: Transfer reactions and Coulomb excitation. In 2011, the 2n transfer towards 74Zn was used to search for the unknown excited 0+ states beyond N=40. The Si-array T-REX together with MINIBALL were used to study excited states up to 5 MeV in 74Zn. At the same time, first data on Coulomb excitation of 72Zn were detected in forward direction. In 2012, a new Si setup was used. This setup was specially designed to study the multiple Coulomb excitation and includes a movable forward Si-detector as well as the detection of scattered beam-particles in backward direction. This increases the sensitivity for the determination of quadrupole moments and mixing ratios. A high intense 72Zn beam of 100 pA was delivered to the MINIBALL target, allowing to observe multiple-step (off-Yrast) coulomb excitation events in this shell-model driven system. We present first results of the IS-510 data.


Dennis Muecher (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE)) Stefanie Klupp (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)

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