Robert Wadsworth
(University of York)
The study of transfer reactions in inverse kinematics with radioactive beams will be a centrepiece of the programme once HIE-ISOLDE commences operation in a few years' time. There are several different approaches to such studies including the use of silicon arrays like T-REX and SHARC. An alternative is to use a solenoidal spectrometer such as HELIOS at Argonne National Laboratory. In this approach, light ions perform helical trajectories in the field of a large solenoidal magnet and are detected on axis in a compact silicon array. This leads to certain advantages over competing techniques such as the removal of kinematic compression and performing particle identification from the cyclotron period.
A project to build such a solenoidal spectrometer for HIE-ISOLDE has got off the ground over the last twelve months, with two international workshops held, and a redundant solenoid acquired from the University of Nottingham which could form a testbed system. The present status of this project will be given and highlights of the workshops in terms of Physics ideas and technical discussions will be presented.
David Gareth Jenkins
(University of York (GB))