Jens Dilling
The ISAC facility at TRIUMF is providing over 200 different radioactive
beams to users at energies
up to 5 MeV/u. Plans exist to extend the facility by an additional
200muA proton beam line and
a photo-fission facility based on a mega-watt class superconducting
electron linac.
One of the experimental facilities at ISAC is TITAN, a high precision
Penning trap mass spectrometer.
First experiments with radioactive beams were carried out this year with
the aim to determine the masses of
halo nuclei. In a first run, the mass of Li-8 and Li-9 were investigated
with a precision of about 2*10-8.
The goal of an upcoming experiment (Dec 2007) is the mass measurement of
The talk will give an overview of ISAC and present the future plans. It
will introduce the TITAN facility
and show first experimental results.
Jens Dilling