Peter Reiter
(University of Cologne)
The first safe Coulomb excitation measurements of 30Mg and 32Mg at safe energies with REX-ISOLDE and MINIBALL clearly confirms the transition in the neutron-rich magnesium isotopes from normal to intruder-dominated configurations between these two Mg isotopes by measuring the B(E2;
0gs+-21+) values of the even-even nuclei. A recent Coulomb excitation
experiment with a post-accelerated odd 31Mg beam from REX-ISOLDE showed the transition from the 945 keV state into the first excited state at 50.5 keV. The ongoing analysis will concentrate on the quadrupole properties of the 945 keV state, the intriguing interpretation as a 5/2 state of the positive yrast band of 31Mg on top of the 1/2+ ground state and comparison with recent shell model calculations [1].
[1] F. Marechal, et al., Phys. Rev. C 72, 044314 (2005)
Peter Reiter
(IKP, Cologne)