17–19 Dec 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Spin determination and nuclear moment measurements of 71Cu and 72Cu

18 Dec 2007, 16:05
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Dr Kieran Flanagan (KU-University of Leuven)


As part of the IS439 experiment the COLLAPS collaboration has recently measured the hyperfine structure of 71,72Cu. From this work we are able to unambiguously assign the spin of 72Cu and extract the magnetic and quadrupole moments for both isotopes. This work is part of the ongoing investigation of the evolution of nuclear structure with neutron excess in the copper isotope chain. A central motivation of the original proposal was to measure the spin/parity of 72Cu, and thus resolve the inconsistency between recent results from in-source spectroscopy and beta-decay studies [1,2]. This experiment uses high-resolution laser spectroscopy, which can unambiguously measure the nuclear spin and provide model-independent measurements of the nuclear moments. The interpretation of these recent measurements in conjunction with the hyperfine structure measurements from 2006 will be presented and discussed. [1] J.-C. Thomas et al., Phys. Rev. C 74, 054309 (2006). [2] U. Koster, Private Communication, 2005.


Dr Kieran Flanagan (KU-University of Leuven)


Dr Bradley Cheal (University of Manchester) Dr Christopher Geppert (GSI) Dr David Forest (University of Birmingham) Dr Deyan Yordanov (University of Mainz) Dr Garry Tungate (University of Birmingham) Prof. Gerda Neyens (Katholieke University of Leuven) Prof. Henry Stroke (New York University) Mr Joerg Kraemer (GSI) Prof. Jon Billowes (University of Manchester) Prof. Klaus Blaum (University of Mainz) Dr Magda Kowalska (CERN) Ms Marieke De Rydt (Katholieke University of Leuven) Dr Paul Campbell (University of Manchester) Prof. Peter Lievens (Katholieke University of Leuven) Mr Pieter Vingerhoets (Katholieke University of Leuven) Prof. Rainer Neugart (University of Mainz) Dr Wilfried Nörtershäuser (University of Mainz)

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