17–19 Dec 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Hyperdeformation in Xe Nuclei.

18 Dec 2007, 18:15
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map


Geirr Sletten (NBI University of Copenhagen)


Nuclear structure physics is testing nuclei to the limits of their existence by imposing extreme values of Isospin, Exitation energy and Angular momentum on them. In hyperdeformed nuclei the deformation parameter is the central issue. Theoretical predictions are that nuclei at extreme angular momentum might acquire shapes with small axis ratio 3:1 and that rotational bands might exist in the corresponding potential well. Signals from hyperdeformed structures have been in the experimental focus for more than a decade and whether the existence of hyperdeformation at high spin has been firmly identified, is still debated. A recent experiment at ANL using the GAMMASPHERE array provides preliminary results on hyperdeformation in 124Xe, and forms the basis for the present report. So far, discrete line rotational bands corresponding to hyperdeformation have not been identified, but weak signals from the analysis of unresolved spectra indicate cascades with a moment of inertia 128h2 MeV-1 which is expected for hyperdeformed rotors.

Primary author

Geirr Sletten (NBI University of Copenhagen)

Presentation materials