Nuclear Physics II
- Olof Tengblad (CSIC, Madrid)
Herve Savajols
19/12/2007, 09:15
This talk will discuss some recent experiments using the
MAYA active target at GANIL and TRIUMF.
Miguel Madurga Flores
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC))
19/12/2007, 09:45
The $^{11}$Li $\beta$-decay offers a unique window to understand the nuclear structure far beyond the valley of stability. The $\beta$-delayed charged particle emission of $^{11}$Li has been the subject of several previous studies [1-4]. The established channels involve the emission $\alpha$ particles (2$\alpha$+3n), $^6$He ($^6$He+$\alpha$+n), tritons ($^8$Li+t), deuterons ($^9$Li+d) and the...
Solveig Hyldegaard
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus)
19/12/2007, 10:05
Experimental studies of the 12C nucleus are important to both nuclear
theory and astrophysics. Improved knowledge of states in 12C is
necessary for our understanding of the triple alpha reaction in
stars. Especially the Hoyle state at just 0.38 MeV above the triple
alpha threshold is vital for this process, but also a predicted 2+
state at 1.7 MeV above the triple alpha threshold in 12C...
Frederik Wauters
(katholieke universiteit leuven)
19/12/2007, 10:20
The status of the beta-asymmetry measurements project will be presented. In these experiments we measure the beta-asymmetry parameter which is sensitive to deviations from the V – A character of the weak interaction, more precisely to tensor currents. The experimental technique we use to create a polarized ensemble of nuclei is low temperature nuclear orientation (LTNO).
The first...
Thomas E. Cocolios
(Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)
19/12/2007, 10:40
For many years, the RILIS has provided very clean beams for ISOLDE. It is now also a tool used for precision measurement of nuclear ground and isomer state properties. Combining the laser spectroscopy technique in the ion source itself with the high sensitivity and precision of nuclear spectroscopy, it is possible to extract optical spectra for very exotic nuclei as was demonstrated with the...