Technical Developments
- Olof Tengblad (CSIC, Madrid)
Etam Noah Messomo
19/12/2007, 11:45
The proton beam from the CERN Proton-Synchrotron Booster (PSB) is highly pulsed. A typical 1.4 GeV PSB pulse consists of four bunches, with a maximum bunch power of 12 GW. This is more than six orders of magnitude higher than the often quoted average beam power of ~2.7 kW. The lifetimes of early liquid metal targets exposed to the PSB beam were severely compromised through broken welds,...
Elian Bouquerel
(CERN, Université Paris 11, Orsay.)
19/12/2007, 12:05
Target and ion source units have been recently developed at CERN-ISOLDE with the aim of delivering isobarically clean beams of short lived neutron-rich Cd and Zn. Chemical selectivity is achieved by specific interaction of the contaminant with a catching material inserted in the transfer line [1, 2]: a quartz insert allowed the retention and the decay of alkali contaminants by controlling its...
Anna Gustafsson
(Subatomic Physics Group - Department of Physics - Chalmers University of Technology)
19/12/2007, 12:40
Since the first year of operation, REX-ISOLDE has been delivering numerous post-accelerated radioactive beams [1,2]. An update of the ISOLDE database [3] is being done, including REX efficiencies for more than 50 isotopes corresponding to more than 15 elements. Based on this data the yields of post-accelerated beams was extrapolated for the upgrade of the ISOLDE facility, the so-called High...
Pierre Delahaye
19/12/2007, 12:55
At ISOLDE, CERN, an online test bench is dedicated to radioactive ion charge breeding with the Daresbury Phoenix booster.
Two succesful experiments have concluded the program of investigation of the performances of the booster undertaken in the frame of the IS397 proposal. The first one consisted in the trapping and charge breeding of 61Fe daughter nuclides from the beta decay of 61Mn. As a...