2012 D.C. Town Meeting for Heavy Ions

Empire Room (Omni Hotel)

Empire Room

Omni Hotel

Omni Hotel, Washington D.C.
Paul Sorensen (BNL), Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
This town meeting will commence immediately after the conclusion of the 2012 Quark Matter conference in Washington D.C. The meeting will provide a forum for our community to discuss our long range scientific plans and provide input on a shorter white paper being prepared at BNL as well as a broader white paper under preparation. These white papers will help inform the discussions of the NSAC subcommittee chaired by Bob Tribble and charged with establishing priorities within the 2007 LRP under much tighter budget guidance than expected at the time the LRP was developed. The white papers will build on recent discussions of future RHI goals at RHIC, LHC, NICA, and FAIR. This meeting will provide an opportunity to gather input from the entire international community. Community members are invited to offer comments and may submit a slide to prsorensen (at) bnl.gov if they would like to have a slide to show during their comments.
    • 1
      The Charge to the NSAC Subcommittee
      Speaker: Peter Martin Jacobs (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
    • 2
      The Case for Continuing RHIC Operations
      Speaker: Steve Vigdor (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 3
      Report on the Heavy Ion Town Meeting for the European Strategy Group
      Speaker: Peter Braun-Munzinger (GSI and Technical University)
    • 4
      The Message and Outline of the Community Wide White Paper
      Speaker: Steffan Bass (Duke University)
    • Community Input and Q&A

      The three speakers and representatives from the White Paper writing group will be on stage to answer questions. Community members are invited to offer comments and may submit a slide to prsorensen@bnl.gov if they would like to have a slide to show during their comments.

      Conveners: Paul Sorensen (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)