Qi-Ye Shou
Theoretical study\cite{myref1} indicates that a chiral magnetic wave at finite baryon density could induce an electric quadrupole moment in QGP produced in heavy-ion collisions. The electric quadrupole deformation will lead to a difference in elliptic flow of hadrons, by increasing {$v_{2}$} of negatively charged hadrons and decreasing {$v_{2}$} of positively charged ones. The magnitude of this difference is predicted to be proportional to the charge asymmetry {$A_{ch}$}, defined as {$A_{ch}\equiv \left (\bar{N}_{+} -\bar{N}_{-} \right )/\left ( \bar{N}_{+} +\bar{N}_{-} \right )$}. Such charge asymmetry dependency of pion elliptic flow has been observed in Au+Au collisions at the STAR experiment. \\
Here we present elliptic flow measurements of charged pions and kaons at low momentum, as a function of {$A_{ch}$}, in U+U collisions at {$\sqrt{s_{NN}}$} = 193 GeV at STAR. The {$v_{2}$} difference for charged kaons is suggested\cite{myref1} to have a weaker {$A_{ch}$} dependency than that of pions due to hadronic effects. Our measurements for both serve as important consistency checks for the phenomena due to the chiral magnetic wave.
Qi-Ye Shou