Su Houng Lee
(Yonsei University)
Using the QCD sum rule with its operator product expansion reliably
estimated from lattice calculations for the pressure and energy density
of hot QCD matter, we calculate the strength of the $J/\psi$ wave function at origin and find that it decreases with temperature when the temperature is above the transition temperature. This result is shown to follow exactly that obtained from the solution of the Schr\"odingier equation for a charm and anticharm quark pair using the free energy from lattice calculations as the potential and is in sharp
contrast to that using the deeper potential associated with the
internal energy, which shows an enhanced strength of the $J/\psi$ wave
function at origin. Our result thus has resolved the long-standing
question of whether the free energy potential or the internal energy
potential should be used in analyzing the spectrum of heavy quark
systems at finite temperature.
Su Houng Lee
(Yonsei University)