21–27 Jul 2013
The University of Birmingham
GB timezone
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Charm decay as a source of multistrange hadrons

Not scheduled
The University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham

Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom


Michal Petran (Czech Technical University (CZ))


In Pb–Pb collisions at sN N = 2.76 TeV at LHC, a rather large number of charm–anti-charm quark pairs, Ncc ≡ dNcc /dy, is produced in initial hard parton collisions before the QGP phase emerges. Given Ncc , we predict yields of all charmed hadrons using statistical hadronization method. We use the experimental D0 meson pT -spectrum to estimate the range of charm abundance present at hadronization to be Ncc = 6 − 45 cc pairs. About 20% of charm is bound to strangeness and, as a consequence, charm decays contribute a significant fraction of multistrange hadron yields. Based on experimental decay data, symmetry principles and plausibility arguments, we prepare a complete charmed hadron decay table. The CHARM module adds charm decay hadron multiplicity into SHARE, the statistical hadronization model implementation we use. SHARE with CHARM utility uses Ncc as an additional fit parameter when analyzing hadron production in heavy–ion collisions. We quantify the charm hadron decay contributions in the final hadron yields. Up to 20% of φ, 15% of Ξ and 15% of Ω yield is produced directly by charm decays, whereas non–strange particles are less affected, e.g. less than 7% of π yield originates directly in a charm hadron decay.


Michal Petran (Czech Technical University (CZ))


Jean Letessier (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Hautes Energies, Universite Paris 6, Paris 75005, France) Johann Rafelski (University of Arizona) Vojtech Petracek (Czech Technical University (CZ))

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