Pornrad Srisawad
(Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University, 65000 Phitsanulok Thailand)
23/07/2013, 14:00
The inclusive cross section, polar angle distribution and the direct transverse momentum of K+ mesons in C + C, Ni + Ni and Au + Au collisions at incident energies from 0.6 to 2.0 A GeV are studied using the Quantum Molecular Dynamics model based on the covariant kaon dynamics, and compared with the KaoS data of GSI. The calculated K+ yields consist with experiment data for a soft and hard...
Giorgio Torrieri
(JW Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt)
23/07/2013, 14:20
I will discuss the phase structure of matter at moderate temperature
and chemical potential, relevant for the lower energy runs at RHIC as
well as the upcoming experiments of NICA and FAIR.
Motivated by large Nc physics, I will argue that the non-perturbative structure of QCD can give rise to hitherto little explored phenomena, such as the coexistence of confinement with perturbative quark...
Elena Bratkovskaya
23/07/2013, 14:40
We study the equilibrium properties of strongly-interacting infinite
parton-hadron matter and the non-equilibrium dynamics of heavy-ion
collisions from SIS to LHC energies within the Parton-Hadron-String
Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach, which incorporates explicit
partonic degrees of freedom in terms of strongly interacting
quasiparticles (quarks and gluons) in line with an equation of...
Jia-Chii Berger-Chen
(Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
23/07/2013, 15:00
Since the recent discovery of a massive neutron star of about 1.97 solar masses [1] the discussion about a possible existence of a condensed kaon matter inside the neutron star has been revived [2,3]. Kaons not only influence the nuclear EOS [1,2], but also play an important role for the cooling process of a neutron star [4]. Thus a better understanding of the kaon nucleon/nucleus interaction...
Mohammed Younus
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
23/07/2013, 15:20
Charm quarks are produced mainly in the pre-equilibrium stage of heavy ion collision and serve as excellent probes entering the thermalized medium medium. They come out with altogether different momentum and energies and fragments into D mesons and later decay into non-photonic electron which are experimentally observed. Here we present effects of Quark Gluon Plasma on charm quark production...
Thierry Gousset
23/07/2013, 15:40
It is generally assumed that in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions a plasma of quarks and gluons is produced, and then quickly expands and hadronizes. The main objective of present experiments at ultrarelativistic heavy ion colliders is to study this plasma. The
study of the plasma properties is difficult because the initial
momentum distribution of the light quarks is not known and that...