Eduardo Grossi
(University of Florence & INFN Florence)
23/07/2013, 16:40
We present an extension of relativistic single-particle distribution function for weakly interacting particles at local thermodynamical equilibrium including spin degrees of freedom, for massive spin 1/2 particles. We infer, on the basis of the global equilibrium case, that at local thermodynamical equilibrium particles acquire a net polarization proportional to the vorticity of the inverse...
Celso Barros
(Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)
23/07/2013, 17:00
The STAR collaboration has measured the Λ and anti-Λ polarizations in 200 GeV Au-Au collisions [1]. These results can be understood in terms of a model [2], [3], that we proposed recently, based on the hydrodynamical model, and taking into account the effect of the final-state interactions (that occur in the hadronic phase) between the hyperons and other produced particles. These final...