Phase Transition
- Joerg Aichelin (Unknown)
Jingyi Chao
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
23/07/2013, 16:20
We find that the barrier between topologically in-equivalent vacua is lowered at the presence of external magnetic field. As a consequence, the imbalanced chiral quark density arises due to the sphaleron transition at finite temperatures. It quantitatively explains and describes the unusual phenomena of the inverse magnetic catalysis, which was numerically found to happen at the transition...
Marcus Bluhm
23/07/2013, 16:40
Great experimental and theoretical effort is being put into the detailed study of the confinement/deconfinement transition in QCD matter. Susceptibilities of conserved quantities, which are related to the statistical moments of particle multiplicity distributions measured in heavy-ion collisions, provide important insight, in particular, into the composition of the produced matter. Based on a...
Kanako Yamazaki
(University of Tokyo)
23/07/2013, 17:00
We extend our previous study of the quark-hadron phase transition at
finite temperatures with zero net baryon density by two flavor
Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with Polyakov loop [1] to the three flavor
case. At low temperatures, only mesonic correlations,
mainly due to mesonic collective excitations, dominate the pressure
while thermal excitations of quarks are suppressed by the Polyakov...
Rudy Marty
(FIAS (Frankfurt, GERMANY))
23/07/2013, 17:20
Based on the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model for 3 flavours we study the transport properties of strongly interacting matter in vicinity of the phase transition. We present our results on the temperature dependence of the shear and bulk viscosity (calculated within the relaxation time formalism), as well as of the electric and heat conductivity.
We compare these results with recent lattice data...
Masakiyo Kitazawa
(Osaka University)
23/07/2013, 17:40
We investigate time evolution of higher-order cumulants
of bulk fluctuations of conserved charges in the hadronic
stage in heavy ion collisions.
The dynamical evolution of the non-Gaussian fluctuations
are modeled by the diffusion master equation. In this
model, we show that the fourth-order cumulant is suppressed
compared with the recently observed second-order one