23–26 Apr 2013
Universidad de Buenos Aires
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires timezone

Evaluating Feynman integrals using Mellin-Barnes representations

24 Apr 2013, 15:00
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Universidad de Buenos Aires


Ievgen Dubovyk


Recently, Mellin-Barnes (MB) representations of Feynman integrals have been used extensively in various phenomenological and theoretical studies of
quantum field theory. With AMBRE, we deliver a Mathematica tool for the derivation of MB-integrals and their subsequent analytic continuation and
numerical evaluation.
The Mathematica toolkit AMBRE derives MB representations for Feynman integrals in d = 4 - 2ε dimensions. It may be applied for tadpoles as well
as for multi-leg multi-loop scalar and tensor integrals. AMBRE uses a loop-by-loop approach and aims at lowest dimensions of the final MB representations. The present version of AMBRE works fine for planar Feynman diagrams.
Now we would like to present a possible extension of the AMBRE package to diagrams with non-planar topology. The proposed algorithm covers two- and
three-loops massless cases and in general gives lowest dimensions of the final MB representations than loop-by-loop approach in current version of

Presentation materials