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CERN Hi Lumi collaboration meeting



  • WP2: beam dynamics and optics [O. Bruning] slides
  • Initial workflow between beam dynamics, magnets, energy deposition [E. Todesco] slides
  • WP10 short term plans [F. Cerutti] slides
  • Performance requirements for IR magnets [G. De Rijk] slides
  • Synergies with 11 T Project [B. Auchmann] slides
  • Conceptual design of the new D1 magnet for the HL-LHC upgrade [T. Nakamoto, Q. Xu] slides
  • Review of quench limits [N. Mokov] slides
  • Design of Nb3Sn IR quadrupoles with aperture larger than 120 mm [P. Ferracin, E. Todesco] slides
  • The Nb-Ti option in the new scenario for the LHC upgrade [G. Kirby] slides
  • Preliminary design of large aperture separation dipoles D2 [P. Wanderer] slides
The agenda of this meeting is empty