A laser trap for parity non-conservation measurements in francium at TRIUMF
Michael Tandecki(Inst. voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica - Katholieke Universiteit Le)
26-1-022 (CERN)
A francium trapping facility is under development for parity violation
measurements in francium. These measurements will benefit from UCx targets
that have been become available two years ago at the ISAC facility
(TRIUMF). A first magneto-optical trap has been commissioned recently and
several isotopes have been trapped. An offline 225Ac source for the
trapping of 221Fr has successfully been tested as well; this work is
related to ISOLDE experiment IS522. Even more recently, first measurements
to extract the hyperfine anomaly in 207Fr, 213Fr and 206Fr have been
performed. The second part of the trapping facility will consist of second
magneto-optical trap and a dipole force trap. Construction and
commissioning of this part of the setup is planned for next year along
with first measurements towards parity violation in atomic systems.