11–14 Mar 2013
Saas Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

Cint retrospect

11 Mar 2013, 18:30
Schweizerhof (Saas Fee)


Saas Fee


Masaharu Goto (Agilent Technologies International Japan)


Legacy C++ interpreter CINT was developped in Hewlett-Packard Japan in 1991 as an internal tool to support C/C++ language in scientific computation. It was integrated into ROOT framework in 1995. Since then, CINT played a key role as dictionary generator and C++ scripting engine in ROOT. In this presentation, author of the CINT presents retrospective view; background and motivation of development, how it became key component in ROOT framework, its' evolution and roadblock. Overall, the effort was worthwhile and we use ROOT/CINT as part of semiconductor measurement equipment software today.


Masaharu Goto (Agilent Technologies International Japan)

Presentation materials