11–14 Mar 2013
Saas Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

PROOF - Lessons learned and future directions

14 Mar 2013, 09:00
Schweizerhof (Saas Fee)


Saas Fee



Gerardo Ganis (CERN)


The use of the PROOF technology for LHC data analysis has been increasing steadily during the last years. PROOF on Demand (PoD) significantly simplified the use of the system on non-dedicated resources, whereas PROOF-Lite provides a quick way to get in touch with the system and an efficient way to exploit the many cores today available on desktops and laptops. Integration with analysis frameworks (e.g. in ALICE) or popular tools (e.g. SFrame in ATLAS) has provided users automatic access to the system. The first long data taking shutdown period is the opportunity to make the status of the system, present the lessons learned and describe the ongoing and future developments. In this talk we focus on the recent, ongoing and foreseen improvements in the PROOF kernel and PROOF-Lite. These aim mostly at consolidation and performance optimization and include, in particular: an improved packetizing technology, improved merging techniques, a new dataset management model and consolidation of the connection layer. The status of PoD and its increasing implications in PROOF-enabled (virtual) facilities will be subject of separate presentations.



Presentation materials