11–14 Mar 2013
Saas Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

Mathematica with ROOT

14 Mar 2013, 10:10
Schweizerhof (Saas Fee)


Saas Fee


Prof. Sebastian White (Rockefeller University (US))


"Mathematica with ROOT" was released on the ROOT pages 2 years ago. It imports data into Mathematica by linking to the CERN libraries with MATHLINK. It is capable of dealing with all of the commonly used data generated by the large Physics and Astronomy community that has adopted the CERN technologies. This project coincided with release 8 of Mathematica so we benefitted from the customizable import/export features new in 8.


In this talk I will give an update on analysis of several large data sets from the LHC experiments as well as applications in smaller R&D applications. I will give an update
on its application in the latest versions of ROOT and Mathematica (release 9) and illustrate
the potential role of new technologies in Mathematica and Alpha to high energy physics computing. There have been several discussions at CERN and elsewhere about the potential benefit to our community of further collaboration with Wolfram. I will also touch on these in my talk.


Prof. Sebastian White (Rockefeller University (US))

Presentation materials