11–14 Mar 2013
Saas Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

R and C++: Seamless Integration using Rcpp

12 Mar 2013, 19:00
Schweizerhof (Saas Fee)


Saas Fee


Romain François (R Enthusiasts)


The R environment and language for statistical computing (R Core, 2012) has become the lingua franca of statistical research and applied work, both in academia and industry. The language has evolved from its start at Bell Labs in 1980s to its current form as an established Open Source project with a (closed) core group of committers and a wider (open) group of contributors relying on a common infrastructure provide by CRAN. R uses an internal object model which predates C++ fully implemented in C, using functions and macros. Rcpp provides the missing link on top of a barebones C API. Rcpp is finding wide adoption within the R community with currently around 100 CRAN and 10 BioConductor packages deploying it. This talk is intended as a walk through the current Rcpp feature set.


Romain François (R Enthusiasts)

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