11–14 Mar 2013
Saas Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

Exploring plots on the web with WebOOT

12 Mar 2013, 12:00
Schweizerhof (Saas Fee)


Saas Fee


Peter Waller (University of Liverpool-Unknown-Unknown)


Sometimes you have a lot of plots. And you want to show them to people. WebOOT is a vision and an experimental python application which allows looking inside ROOT files and objects (e.g, trees and histograms) from a web browser. The main idea is that a plot you want to make is generated on demand from a URL. WebOOT blurs the distinction between the ROOT file and the file system, allowing you to easily compose and compare plots from many different places. With a surprising use of wildcards, many plots can be realised from the effort invested in just one.


Peter Waller (University of Liverpool-Unknown-Unknown)

Presentation materials