15–18 Apr 2013
Portoroz, Slovenia
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Impact of the Higgs discovery on two models of new physics

17 Apr 2013, 16:42
James Cook (Portoroz, Slovenia)

James Cook

Portoroz, Slovenia

Hotel Slovenija, Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Ulrich Nierste (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))


A combined fit of electroweak precision data and data on Higgs decays lead to an exclusion of the Standard Model with a sequential fourth generation at the level of 5 standard deviations. In my talk I discuss the methodology of the corresponding statistical analysis, which involved so-called non-tested hypotheses. Then I discuss a supersymmetric GUT model, in which the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle affects b->s transitions. The model, originally proposed by Chang, Masiero and Murayama, is substantially affected by the measurement of the mass of the lightest neutral Higgs boson and measurement of the reactor neutrino mixing angle.


Ulrich Nierste (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))

Presentation materials