Marco Cirelli
(IPhT Saclay,CNRS & CEA)
17/04/2013, 11:00
I will briefly discuss some recent results and anomalies in the field of Cosmic Neutrinos, Dark Matter Direct Detection, Dark Matter Indirect Detection and (possibly) High Energy Cosmic Rays, with an emphasis on the implications on particle physics model building.
Audrey Degée
(University of Liège)
17/04/2013, 12:19
We study the implications of the global $U(1)_R$ symmetry present in
minimal lepton flavor violating implementations of the seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses. In the context of minimal type I seesaw scenarios with a slightly broken $U(1)_R$, we show that, depending on the $R$-charge assignments, two classes of generic models can be identified. Models where the right-handed neutrino masses...