Andrea De Simone
17/04/2013, 14:30
It has been recently pointed out the great relevance of including electroweak radiation effects for indirect searches of Dark Matter. One inevitable consequence of including electroweak corrections is inducing correlations among the predicted particle fluxes targeted by the various experiments. In this talk I will focus on the correlations between different data from a single experiment:...
Lorenzo Calibbi
(ULB, Brussels)
17/04/2013, 14:52
Light neutralino dark matter in the MSSM is only consistent with WMAP observations in a corner of the parameter space with peculiar features,
which imply that other SUSY particles must be light, in particular the lightest stau and higgsino-like neutralinos and charginos. These states can be copiously produced at the LHC via electro-weak Drell-Yan and lead to peculiar multi-tau and missing E_T...