Federico Mescia
(Universitat de Barcelona)
18/04/2013, 09:00
This year, LHC provided a very stringent bound on Br(Bs->mu+mu-), bringing it closer to the value predicted by the Standard Model (SM). Bs->mu+mu- was believed to be the golden mode at LHCb to find SUSY because a large enhancement was expected in the regime of moderate and large values of tanb. Other scenarios are still possible and a correlation with other decay channels is needed. We show...
Ana M. Teixeira
(LPC Clermont)
18/04/2013, 09:22
In view of the expected experimental precision, light meson leptonic decays have a unique potential to probe deviations from the Standard Model estimates on lepton flavour universality, and thus signal the presence of New Physics.
We briefly review supersymmetric contributions to the ratio $R_{K}$, which are in general unable to saturate the current experimental bounds due to a strong...
Sebastian Jaeger
(University of Sussex (GB))
18/04/2013, 09:44
The angular distribution in the rare decay B->V l l provides powerful probes of new physics. I present a new treatment of long-distance effects that is more conservative and robust than the prevailing procedure based on QCD factorization alone; nevertheless we find that a certain helicity hierarchy survives and implies that two observables constructed from the angular distribution remain...
Christoph Bobeth
(Technical University Munich)
18/04/2013, 10:06
CP asymmetries and branching ratios in QCD and QED penguin dominated charmless B --> M_1 M_2 decays can provide important constrains on non-standard effects. We use current experimental data and discuss the impact of future Belle II measurements of the systems B_(d,s) --> (K pi,K eta', K K, pi pi) and B --> (K rho, K phi, K omega, pi K^*) to explore new physics scenarios mediated by Z-penguin...
Thomas Mannel
(Siegen University)
18/04/2013, 10:28
I will discuss the calculation of the electric dipole moment of the neutron in the standard model, identifying contributions which have not been discussed yet. Depending on the size of the unknown hadronic matrix elements these contributions could significantly enlarge the electric dipole moment compared to the previous estimates. The impact on the search for effects beyond the standard model...