Flavor and CP II
- Borut Bajc (J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
Fulvia De Fazio
(INFN - Sezione di Bari)
15/04/2013, 11:00
I shall discuss strategies towards the indirect detection of new physics from flavour observables.
Robert Fleischer
(Nikhef and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
15/04/2013, 11:22
The rare decay $B_s \to \mu^+\mu^-$ plays a key role for the testing of the Standard Model. It is discussed that the sizable decay width difference $\Delta\Gamma_s$ of the $B_s$-meson system affects this channel. As a consequence, its calculated Standard Model branching ratio has to be upscaled by about 10% to $(3.56\pm0.18)\times 10^{-9}$. This prediction is the reference value for the...
Martin Gorbahn
(Liverpool University)
15/04/2013, 11:44
The B_q to mu^+ mu^- theory prediction is sensitive to the
renormalisation scheme used for sin_W. The scheme ambiguity is the
source of the dominant theory uncertainty in the standard
model. Additionally the renormalization is rather involved in new physics models
where M_Z cos_W = M_W does not hold at tree level. In this talk I will
present the results of a two-loop electroweak...
Claudia Hagedorn
(University of Padua and SISSA)
15/04/2013, 12:06
I will discuss possibilities to predict CP phases in the lepton sector with the help of non-abelian discrete flavour symmetries (and CP symmetries). I will show that the breaking of a non-abelian discrete flavour group to residual symmetries in the charged lepton and neutrino sectors not only allows for predictions of the mixing angles, but also of the Dirac phase. Furthermore, I will present...
Ivan Nisandzic
(J. Stefan Institute)
15/04/2013, 12:28
Semi-leptonic B decays are important test of the Standard Model (SM) and
present the possibility to explore the eects of physics Beyond Standard Model
(BSM). Decays involving tau leptons in the nal state are interesting due to the
tau mass eects which allow to probe the contributions to the decay rate which
are not present in the decay containing light lepton in nal state. Recently,...