Beyond the Standard Model II
- Nejc Košnik (J. Stefan Institute)
Ilja Doršner
(University of Sarajevo)
15/04/2013, 16:35
I address the issue of model dependence of partial proton decays due to exchange of a single scalar leptoquark within a minimal viable SU(5) framework. The minimal setup predicts a flavor part of the proton decay widths for channels with anti-neutrinos in the final state to depend solely on the known masses and mixing parameters of the quark sector and one extra phase. I accordingly establish...
Gauthier Durieux
(CP3 - UCLouvain)
15/04/2013, 18:03
While stringent constraints have been obtained at low energies, systematic and direct tests of the baryon and lepton number conservations have not been carried out at the current energy frontier. We observe that the flavour symmetries of the Standard Model gauge sector, broken as they are in the Standard Model Yukawa one, naturally suppress baryon and lepton number violation at low energy and,...