Manuel Perez-Victoria
(University of Granada)
16/04/2013, 10:40
I will discuss an effective Lagrangian description of new vector bosons giving resonant leptonic signals at the LHC. Gauge invariance imposes relations on the couplings and masses of charged and neutral vector bosons. I will show that a combined analysis of di-lepton and lepton-plus-missing-energy data takes advantage of such relations and improves the existing limits.
Radja Boughezal
(Argonne National Laboratory)
16/04/2013, 11:02
In this talk, we will present new results for the differential cross-section of Higgs
boson production in gluon fusion in association with a hadronic jet at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in perturbative QCD.
This result is urgently needed in order to reduce the theoretical uncertainties hindering a precise extraction of the Higgs properties at the LHC. Currently, the theoretical...
Ivica Picek
(University of Zagreb)
16/04/2013, 11:24
The loop-mediated higgs decays constrain the model parameter space
of the neutrino mass mechanism based on the fermionic quintuplet
in conjunction with the scalar quadruplet. The most significant increase to the higgs to diphoton decay width comes from a doubly charged scalar component, which should be the lightest component in the scalar quadruplet. There is an anti-correlation to the h...
francesco Sannino
16/04/2013, 11:46
I will discuss the impacts of the LHC findings on composite dynamics at the electroweak scale. I will show that current results are compatible with dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking once the electroweak radiative corrections are taken properly into account. I will then show some of the most relevant signatures for the LHC helpful to single out composite dynamics.
Admir Greljo
(Institute Jozef Stefan)
16/04/2013, 12:08
Based on two model studies I will discuss how the recent Higgs measurements can be used to constrain new physics effects. The first example concerns colored scalars inherent to theories of matter unification. Using existing Higgs data, nontrivial constraints on scalars with masses of a few hundreds of GeV can be obtained. The second study concerns vector-like fermions mixing with SM quarks....