14–17 May 2013
The University of Tokyo
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Dedicated meeting with Japanese NREN

14 May 2013, 13:00
The University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo

Sanjo-Kaikan Hall, Hongo Campus 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo https://www.icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-e.html


Dedicated meeting with Japanese NREN

  • Hiroshi Sakamoto (University of Tokyo (JP))


13:00 gather at ICEPP (Faculty of Science Bldg.1 10F) at 13:00 and move to NII.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Eric Christian Lancon (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)), Simone Campana (CERN), Stephane Jezequel (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
14/05/2013, 14:00
Michael Ernst (Unknown)
14/05/2013, 15:00
Artur Jerzy Barczyk (California Institute of Technology (US))
14/05/2013, 15:35
Prof. Michihiro Aoki (NII (JP))
14/05/2013, 15:55
Tomoaki Nakamura (University of Tokyo (JP))
14/05/2013, 16:15
Building timetable...