Hiroshi Nakagomi
(Tsukuba University)
Cu Au collisions at RHIC have provided the first asymmetric
heavy-ion collisions at collider energies, where it is generally
believed that nuclear matter above the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) transition is created. The
Cu Au system provides a unique arena for QGP production and
development with novel features that are inaccessible in symmetric
A A collisions, such as intrinsic transverse triangularity at
mid-centrality and a completely occluded, corona-less smaller nucleus
in the most central collisions. Further, because the participant
nucleon groups from the two nuclei are distinguishably different it
may be possible to trace the sources of initial deposition of such
conserved quantities as energy and transverse momentum in 3D across
the medium. In this talk we present new PHENIX results on flow
observables from Cu Au collisions across both and
(pseudo)rapidity, and discuss how they can be used to diagnose the full three-dimensional
formation and evolution of the QGP fluid.
On behalf of collaboration: | PHENIX |
Hiroshi Nakagomi
(Tsukuba University)