Joern Putschke
(Wayne State University)
The measurement of fully reconstructed jets in heavy ion collisions
provides unique probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). However, full
jet reconstruction in such events is challenging due to a large
population of combinatorial background "jets" that overwhelm the true
hard jet population by several orders of magnitude. In order to carry
out accurate, data-driven jet measurements over a broad kinematic range
at RHIC energies, we developed a novel mixed-event technique that
describes the combinatorial jet background over several orders of
magnitude with high precision. We apply this technique to measure the
semi-inclusive charged jet distribution recoiling from a high
hadron trigger in central Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV.
We report the recoil jet distribution for various trigger ranges
and jet radii, and study the azimuthal distribution between the recoil
jet and trigger hadron. In addition we present the first measurement at
RHIC of the di-jet transverse momentum asymmetry, . Both
measurements are performed with a very low infrared cutoff on jet
constituents of 200 MeV. These jet coincidence measurements allow a
direct comparison of jet quenching at RHIC and the LHC.
On behalf of collaboration: | STAR |
Joern Putschke
(Wayne State University)