Measurement of J/$\psi$ yields at midrapidity in 200 GeV $Au+Au$ collisions with PHENIX

20 May 2014, 16:30
spectrum (darmstadtium)



Board: F-22
Poster Open Heavy Flavour and Quarkonia Poster session


Mr Jeff Klatsky (PHENIX)


For many years it has been expected that the suppression of J/$\psi$ production in heavy ion collisions can provide some insight into conditions inside the deconfined Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). A measurement of J/$\psi$ di-electron decays at midrapidity is particularly desirable for providing insight on quarkonium formation in the plasma since cold nuclear matter effects are smaller there than at forward and backward rapidity. The 2010 RHIC run has five times the luminosity of the last the data set used for a dielectron measurement at midrapidity. The Hadron Blind Detector (HBD) was added to PHENIX for operation in 2010 to study low mass dielectron pairs, with the goal of improving electron identification by eliminating conversion electrons from the beam pipe, and hadrons misidentified in the Ring Imaging Cherenkov and the Electromagnetic Calorimeter. The presence of the HBD can also be beneficial for the higher mass region and for the J/$\psi$ analysis in particular. The main challenge of the pair analysis at these higher masses is to improve the signal to background ratio while losing as little J/$\psi$ signal as possible, so as to keep the advantage of the higher recorded luminosity. Progress in attacking this problem will be discussed.
On behalf of collaboration: PHENIX


Mr Jeff Klatsky (PHENIX)

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